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PHM 211: Pharmacology and Toxicology in Society
Introduction for non-science or science students to the field of pharmacology and toxicology. History of pharmacology and toxicology. Present issues and future possibilities. Society and systems of drug development and delivery. Drug abuse and policies.PHM 321: Common Drugs
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Introduction to commonly used drugs. Emphasis on over-the-counter medications and frequently prescribed prescription drugs. Selected natural products also will be covered. How commonly used drugs affect the body to treat or cure various conditions and how the body handles drugs. Principles of appropriate drug use and consequences of misuse. Open to juniors or seniors or approval of department.PHM 350: Introductory Human Pharmacology
Online Available
General principles of pharmacology. Central nervous system, autonomic nervous system, cardiovascular, renal, cancer, microbial, and endocrine pharmacology.PHM 351: Fundamentals of Drug Safety
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How and why drugs are tested and monitored for safety. The roles of the FDA, USDA, and EPA to ensure drug safety.PHM 422: Fundamentals of Neuropharmacology
Mechanisms and uses of action of drugs on neurons and neuron-controlled activities.PHM 430: Human Pharmacology
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This course introduces students to general principles of pharmacology. It
also provides mechanistic details into how drugs affect specific organ systems and
disease states, including cardiovascular, renal, central / autonomic nervous system,
endocrine, cancer and microbial infections. Restrictions: Open to undergraduate students with appropriate pre-req’s.
Open to graduate students in the Integrative Pharmacology MS or in the Pharmacology
and Toxicology MS, or approval of department.
PHM 431: Pharmacology of Drug Addiction
Online Available
Introduction to pharmacology and neuropharmacology. Understanding of the biological basis for drug abuse and addiction. Major topics include: pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, introductory neuroanatomy, introductory neurophysiology, alcohol use and abuse, opiate use and abuse, cocaine and amphetamine abuse, barbiturate use and abuse, benzodiazepine use and abuse, hallucinogen abuse.PHM 450: Introduction to Chemical Toxicology
Online Available
This online course provides an introduction to mammalian toxicology. The course includes an overview of the general principles of toxicology, toxicokinetics, and mechanisms of toxicity in major organ systems. The course also includes discussion of selected toxic agents. Not open to freshmen or sophomores.PHM 454: Leadership and Teams for Scientists
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This course benefits students who will work in science labs and/or will enter the healthcare profession. Students will engage in self-reflection within the context of relating to others within a science team setting as well as within contexts of various leadership models; evaluate change options as a leader in a healthcare setting; and create lifelong learning plans for future leadership development. Not open to freshmen or sophomores.PHM 461: Tropical Medicine Pharmacology
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Tropical diseases, epidemiologic and clinical features, and pharmacologic treatments. Multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary approaches, especially in poverty settings.PHM 480: Special Problems
Individual work on selected research problems. Approval of department required. Subject matter varies by section; see course catalog for additional details.PHM 481L: Lab Research
Research experience in laboratories of Pharmacology and Toxicology faculty, or in other research settings throughout the University. Approval of department and independent study application required.PHM 483: Chemotherapy of Infectious Diseases
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Major human bacterial, viral, and fungal infections including disease characteristic, epidemiologic and clinical features, pathology, laboratory diagnosis, case reviews, and pharmacologic treatment including drug kinetics, dynamics, drug interactions and patient considerations.PHM 487: Current Topics in Pharmacology
Therapeutic drugs and toxins for human or veterinary clinical medicine have generated significant attention in the non scientific news media. Reasons for societal attention, therapeutic breakthroughs, therapeutic needs, drug marketing, and drug regulatory policies.PHM 492: Pharmacotherapy of Human Viral Infections
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An integrated and multidisciplinary approach to human viral infections and their pharmacologic treatment.
Approval of department.PHM 801: Fundamental Principles of Pharmacology and Toxicology
Pharmacology and toxicology, pharmacodynamics and drug discovery.PHM 802: Cellular, Molecular and Integrated Systems Pharmacology
Cellular and molecular mechanisms of drug actions on organ systems of humans and other mammals.PHM 803: Chemical Disposition in Mammals
Principles of drug/toxicant absorption, distribution, metabolism, elimination, and kinetics in mammalian systems. Taught in conjunction with PHM 801. Not open to students with credit in PHM 801 or PHM 819.PHM 805: Receptor Pharmacology
Fundamental principles and current theories of receptor pharmacology, drug receptor pharmacodynamics and signal transduction mechanisms. Taught in conjunction with PHM 801 and PHM 803.PHM 809: Drug Discovery and Medicinal Chemistry
Fundamentals of pharmaceutical drug discovery including basic chemistry, drug-design principles, high throughput screening, computational modeling, and drug metabolic pathways. Open to doctoral students in the Department of Chemistry or in the Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology. Offered in ODD years (2025, 2027 etc.)PHM 811: Global Health: Pharmacology and Toxicology Perspective
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General concepts of global health that are relevant to pharmacology and toxicology.PHM 813: Cardiovascular Pharmacology & Toxicology
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Cardiovascular signal transduction and control in normal and pathophysiologic states.PHM 816: Integrative Toxicology: Mechanisms, Pathology and Regulation
Biochemical, molecular, and physiological mechanisms of toxicology. Functional and pathological responses of major organ systems to chemical insult. Mechanisms of mutagenesis, carcinogenesis, and reproductive toxicology. Concepts in risk and safety assessment.PHM 817: Neurotoxicology
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Biochemical, molecular, physiological mechanisms and assessment of neurotoxicity. Factors predisposing the nervous system to selective toxicants. Pathophysiology and models of toxicant-induced neurodegenerative diseases.PHM 818: Practical Pharmacokinetics/Pharmacodynamics Modeling and Simulation in Drug Development
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Modeling of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics using published graphic use interfaces to solve models pertinent to pharmacology and toxicology.PHM 819: Principle of Drug-Tissue Interactions
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General principles of interaction of chemicals with biological systems.PHM 822: Academic and Research Integrity
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Guidelines for research and academic integrity focusing on issues pertinent to biomedical graduate students and scientists.PHM 823: Current Topics in Pharmacology and Toxicology
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Exploration of pharmacology and toxicology topics that have gathered recent attention either in scientific or popular arenas.PHM 828: Concepts in Carcinogenesis
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Mechanisms underlying malignant transformation of a cell. Carcinogenic potential of chemicals.PHM 829: Neuropharmacology
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Mechanisms of action of drugs on the central nervous systems, targets, clinical use and side effects.PHM 830: Experimental Design & Data Analysis
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Practical application of statistical principles to the design of experiments and analysis of experimental data in pharmacology, toxicology, and related biomedical sciences.PHM 831: Endocrine Pharmacology & Toxicology
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Physiology, pharmacology, and toxicology of the endocrine system. Endocrine diseases, pharmacological intervention, hormone therapy, endocrine disruptors, role of hormones in normal metabolism and metabolic disorders, and animal models of endocrine and metabolic disorders.PHM 832: Applied Integrative Pharmacology Lab
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Research methods using virtual simulation for studying integrative physiology and pharmacology.PHM 833: Gastrointestinal And Liver Pharmacology & Toxicology
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Specific drugs and their mechanisms of action in the treatment of gastrointestinal and liver diseases. Toxic effects of drugs and other xenobiotics on the gastrointestinal tract, including the liver.PHM 834: Respiratory Pharmacology & Toxicology
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Integrative study of drugs, their mechanism of action, and their side effects in the treatment of major diseases and pathologies and toxicities of the respiratory system.Open to graduate students in the Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology or in the Integrative Pharmacology Major or in the Pharmacology and Toxicology Major or in the Safety Pharmacology Certificate.PHM 835: Biopharmaceuticals: From Development to Manufacturing
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Biopharmaceutical development and manufacturing processes for recombinant proteins, monoclonal antibodies, vaccines and cell-based therapeutics (stem cells). Emphasis on real-world case studies and group projects.Open to MSU graduate students enrolled in majors within biomedical disciplines.PHM 837: Autonomic Pharmacology
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Effects of drugs having therapeutic potential and potential for adverse side effects within the autonomic nervous system and organs controlled by this system. Comparison with drugs having therapeutic potential and potential adverse side effects on muscle function.PHM 838: Pharmacogenomics
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Dissection of the basics of genomics and its interplay with traits, efficacy, toxicity, kinetics and dosage involving drugs and drug pathways.PHM 839: Systems Neuroscience
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Anatomy, pharmacology, and physiology of multicellular neural systems. Sensory, motor, autonomic, and chemo-regulatory systems in vertebrate brains. Open only to graduate students in the Colleges of Human Medicine, Osteopathic Medicine, Agriculture and Natural Resources, Natural Science, Social Science, and Veterinary Medicine.PHM 840: Safety Pharmacology
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Systems study of current experimental models, risk assessment, and regulatory guidelines for evaluating drug candidates for pharmacologic effects unrelated to therapeutic effects.PHM 841: Cellular And Molecular Toxicology
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Mechanistic concepts and techniques of toxicology at the cellular and molecular levels. Various molecular events and cellular modifications that result from and/or are associated with chemically/environmentally induced toxicity and disease.PHM 850: Communications for Scientists
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Effective research and business communication, including written skills for scientific audiences. Open to master's students or lifelong graduate students in the College of Osteopathic Medicine or in the Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology or in the Integrative Pharmacology Major or in the Pharmacology and Toxicology Major.PHM 851: Intellectual Property & Patent Law for Researchers
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Fundamentals of intellectual property and patent law encountered by biomedical scientists, including issues of prevention, patent prosecution, and enforcement of patents in a litigation setting.PHM 854: Leadership & Teambuilding for Researchers
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This course covers the core competences useful to future lab managers, scientists and healthcare professionals. The course emphasizes team and leadership skills, communication skills, and lifelong learning skills. Students use cases to evaluate current leadership models and various science team contexts. The course emphasizes reflective practice, a trait useful for all leaders, but especially for scientists and physicians. Students also learn to plan, set strategic goals and extend learning beyond the class.
PHM 855: Business of Biomedical Research Organizations
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Theories, methods, terminology, and culture of business as used in biomedical research and development environments.PHM 857: Introduction to Project Management
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Formal project management culture, principles, knowledge areas, and terminology. Specific tools and techniques including work breakdown structure, earned value analysis, risk management, and quality control for managing scientific research. Offered first ten weeks of semester.PHM 858: The Drug Development Process
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Project management standards and best practices in drug development process, including clinical trials.PHM 895: Applied Project in Integrative Pharmacology
Online Available
An on-site project that addresses a research, theoretical, or applied problem in whole-animal or organ level pharmacology, in cooperation with the students' employer or laboratory partner. Students must write a paper (~20-25 pages in length) about the project, including appropriate introductory information, statistical analyses, discussion, and reference list.
Open to master's students in the Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology. PHM 899: Master's Thesis Research
An on-site project that addresses a research, theoretical, or applied problem in whole-animal or organ level pharmacology, in cooperation with the students' employer or laboratory partner. Open only to graduate students in the Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology.PHM 980: Problems
Limited work in selected research projects.PHM 982: MS Capstone Literature Review
Online Available
Advisor-supervised literature research and writing of a 15-20 page fully-referenced critical review paper on a relevant topic in pharmacology and toxicology.