Programs that offer essential research and training.
Our varied Programs serve multiple, specialized purposes. From pairing trainees to research mentors to preparing them for successful research careers, we advance our learners' professional development while making monumental contributions to research.

Doctor of Philosophy in Pharmacology and Toxicology
Our nationally-renowned Graduate Program designed to foster future Leaders in scientific research and tailored to fit the needs of each student.
Online Masters Degrees in Pharmacology and Toxicology
Cutting-edge online education in Pharmacology and Toxicology, specifically designed for working professionals.
Undergraduate Minor in Pharmacology and Toxicology
Our Minor provides a coherent curriculum that introduces science-oriented students to the fields of pharmacology and toxicology, while building critical thinking skills and research accumen.
ASPET Summer Undergraduate Research Fellow (SURF) Program
An authentic, mentored research experience for undergraduates interested in research or related health care careers.
Integrated Pharmacological Sciences Training Program
The Integrated Pharmacological Sciences Training Program (IPSTP) is an interdisciplinary training program available to PhD students in seven PhD programs that prepares graduate students for successful research careers in pharmacological science.
Environmental & Integrative Toxicological Sciences Training Program
The multidisciplinary Environmental and Integrative Toxicological Sciences (EITS) Training Program at MSU produces scientists that have a base knowledge in environmental toxicology coupled with research expertise gained in a biomedical basic science graduate program.
Graduate Certification in Safety Pharmacology
Our online program is designed to train individuals in Safety Pharmacology: a distinct scientific discipline that incorporates pharmacology, physiology and toxicology to assure medicines are safe and effective.
Lifelong Education
Providing all non-degree learners the ability to further their knowledge without the burden of typical admissions requirements.
Neuroscience Program
The Neuroscience Program prepares students through education, research, and professional development for successful careers in neuroscience or neuroscience-related fields.
Plant Biology for Health and Sustainability Program
Developing the next generation of plant scientists as interdisciplinary experts in plant biology, biochemistry, pharmacology/toxicology, synthetic biology, computational biology, and quantitative analyses.