Undergraduate Minor in Pharmacology and Toxicology
Why Choose Our Minor?
Be it research, medicine, government or industry, the Undergraduate Minor in Pharmacology and Toxicology is an ideal complement to students pursuing scientific careers. The Program is designed to provide a coherent set of courses to introduce science-oriented students to the fields of pharmacology and toxicology. Courses range from survey courses, in which and the effects and uses of a broad selection of drug classes are covered, to more specialized courses that focus on specific topics such as drug safety, environmental toxicology, neuropharmacology, and tropical medicine.
Minor Requirements
The Minor requires completion of 15 credits that can be a subset of the undergraduate requirements for students in the Colleges of Natural Science, Lyman Briggs, and Nursing, as well as electives in many other Bachelor of Science majors. Course credits for the Minor in Pharmacology & Toxicology may also be used to satisfy requirements for a student's major (Please consult your major advisor to confirm applicability). Even without joining the Undergraduate Minor Program, students may choose to enroll in one or more Pharmacology and Toxicology courses as major degree electives.
How To Apply?
Fill out the Pharmacology & Toxicology Minor Application and one of our Advisors will contact you to schedule an advising appointment.
For more information, please contact the PHM/TOX Student Support Office (phm@msu.edu) or any of the Program Faculty and Staff.
Need an Override?
Fill out the override request form. Our advisors will then determine if an override can be granted and offer further instructions for enrollment.
For more information, please contact us.

Joseph Nichols, PhD Director
Nathan Tykocki, PhD Advisor
Kari Sant, PhD Advisor