Making a
It's in our DNA.

Hui Xu, MD PhD

Associate Professor
Pharmacology & Toxicology
(517) 353-6609
B328 Life Sciences


1. Focus on the autonomic nervous system, molecular signaling and receptor/ion channel interactions in the vasculature, and how these factors regulate vascular and circulatory function in health and human diseases. 2. Approaches include the integrative studies of evaluation of sympathetic nerve and the vascular smooth muscle cell interactions in whole animal (in rats and mice) in vivo, in pressurized arteries and veins in vitro (including tissues from human subjects), and the function of individual ion channels/receptors at the molecular level. 3. Studies focus on the role of vascular ion (BK, L-type Ca2+, and pannexin-1) channel function in regulation of vascular function and blood pressure, and the contributions of ion channel dysfunction in cardiovascular and gastrointestinal disorders, including septic shock, salt sensitive and metabolic disorders associated hypertension, and gastrointestinal dysmotility. 4. Studies focus on the mechanisms of obesity associated hypertension, and sex differences in obesity associated hypertension, organ damages and GI dysmotility. 5. My resent studies focus on the enteric nerve system in control of brain-gastrointestinal function and motility in Alzheimer Diseases, Autisms, and metabolic disorders-the role of gut-brain axes.


  • MD, , Xinjiang Medical University ()
  • PhD, , Kagawa University ()


  • Identification of enteric nerve circuits controlling gut motility, NIDDK (2019—2024)
  • Does microbiome composition moderate GI and CNS function in a VPA-induced mouse model of autism? , NIHCHD (2023—2025)



  • Associate Professor, Michigan State University (2016)
  • Assistant Professor, Michigan State University (2005—2016)
  • Research Associate, Michigan State University (2000—2005)