Making a
It's in our DNA.

Anne Dorrance, PhD

Patenge Endowed Professor, Chair, and IPSTP Program Director
Pharmacology & Toxicology
(517) 432-7403
B440 Life Sciences


The brain is exquisitely sensitive to changes in blood flow because even small reductions in flow can cause neuronal injury. In the most extreme situation, when blood flow completely stops, a stroke occurs. Milder reductions in blood flow can result in the development of cognitive impairments that lead to dementia development. In the Dorrance lab, we study how cerebral arteries regulate blood flow and how conditions like obesity and hypertension impair this process. By doing this, we may identify treatments to slow or prevent the development of dementia and improve the outcome of a stroke.




  • Chairperson , Michigan State University (2022-08-01)